Art Design Chicago Interview Series

Throughout 2018, Art Design Chicago published a four-part series of video interviews with different voices from the city's visual art community speaking to why Chicago is a unique crossroads for art and design.

Graphic Designer for Practise, and Assistant Professor at the Rhode Island School of Design, James Goggin visits the Newberry Library archives to discuss the city's history in typographical arts and the inspiration for Art Design Chicago's logo, fonts and overall brand. Watch the video.

Cesareo Moreno, Director of Visual Arts and Chief Curator at the National Museum of Mexican Art, takes a walk through Pilsen and shares the neighborhood’s deep history of public art. Watch the video.

Renowned Chicago designer John Massey discusses what it was like working at the Container Corporation of America, his design philosphy, and the story behind his ultra-colorful and geometrically powerful banners that hung downtown Chicago in 1968. Watch the video.

Faheem Majeed, contemporary artist, curator and co-director of the Floating Museum, divulges what it's like to be an artist living and working in Chicago today,and how his inspiration comes from Chicago's roots as an activist-artist community. Watch the video.