- March 30, 2018, 2–5 p.m.
American Art and Visual Culture Seminar
Featuring: Ellen Handy, The City College of New York , CUNY and Amy Mooney, Columbia College ChicagoNewberry Library
60 West Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610

Greetings from America's Main Street, U.S. 66, Scenic Missouri. Curt Teich Postcard Archives. 1945. Newberry Library. 5B315
Ellen Handy of the City College of New York presents her work “Picturing the World in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Chicago’s Image Factories at the Center of the Continent” on the history of commercial and image printing in Chicago during the twentieth century. Amy Mooney of Columbia College Chicago discusses “Photos of Style and Dignity: Woodard’s Studio and the Delivery of Black Modern Subjectivity” in which she studies the development of black modern subjectivity in the work of Woodard’s Studios, a photography studio active during the 1920s through the 1940s with franchises in Chicago, New York and Kansas City. Han-Chi (Peter) Wang of Temple University moderates the discussion.