- September 13, 2018, 3–5 p.m.
Bruce Rogers, Modern Design, and Chicago's Caxton Club
Featuring: Michael GolecNewberry Library
60 West Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610

Bruce Rogers "Printers' Ornament" reproduced in Will Ransom, Private Press and Their Books (1929), and Bruce Rogers "Printers' Ornament" as part of the design of Frederic G. Kenyon, Ancient Books and Modern Discoveries (1927). Photo: Michael J. Golec.
In 1925, the Publications Committee of Chicago’s Caxton Club commissioned Bruce Rogers to design Ancient Books and Modern Discoveries (1927), a monograph on the history of the book by Frederic G. Kenyon, director and principle librarian of the British Library. Rogers’ handling of typography and layout exceeded the antiquarian tastes of the bibliographic community in Chicago and the committee judged his design the “most important book” issued by the club to date. Michael Golec, Associate Professor of Art History, Theory, and Criticism at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, asks: What becomes of typography on the page, once its practices are liberated from the printing press? And, what was the use of modern design for a group of local bibliophiles in a Midwestern modern mecca? Jonathan Mekinda, Assistant Professor in Art History at the University of Illinois at Chicago, provides a response.