“Living Architecture” at 6018North (Chicago Artist Writers)

Installation view of Living Architecture. Julie Oh, Documents, 2018 Neon, aluminum (detail). Image courtesty of Chicago Artist Writers.
Speaking to Tricia Van Eck, 6018North’s founder and director, Chicago-based art critic Sabrina Greig explores the north side exhibition Living Architecture.
The article takes a close view of the works by over 50 first or second-generation immigrant artists who “challenge dominant narratives that position immigrant identities as marginal to the history of American visual culture.” Several familiar faces from the Art Design Chicago programming roster are also represented in the article and exhibition, including Yvette Mayorga, Emilio Rojas, and Jan Tichy.
“The works on display, spanning from 19th-century architectural designs by German-American architects to contemporary artists originating from immigrant families, bridge past and present manifestations of art, design, and culture.” – Chicago Artist Writers
Read the full article. Living Architecture is on view through December 23 at 6018North and presented as part of Art Design Chicago.