- October 19, 2018, 1–3:45 p.m.
Can Cows be Purple? A Participatory Arts Art Therapy Workshop
Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Residents Dining Hall
800 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607
What is art therapy? Can participating in art-making inspire wellness? Does social change inspire healing? Explore these questions during an art therapy workshop at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum led by Leah Gipson, Assistant Professor of Art Therapy at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, whose practice is centered on developing new approaches to art therapy that are culturally-accessible and emphasize care in the face of social injustice.
At the workshop, participants learn about the historical to present-day practices of art therapy in Chicago, particularly those historically used on Chicago’s West Side where former Hull-House resident and social reformer Sadie Ellis Garland Dreikurs (1900-1996) innovated the practice.
This program is presented as one in a series of four hands-on artist workshops offered in conjunction with the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum’s symposium Participatory Arts: The Legacy of Chicago's Hull-House Artists.